Awake in a nightmare and discover the deep plot left malleable to interpretations. Mythology, fetal suicide, and more are hinted at within this surreal landscape. Now raise the volume, turn down the lights, and prepare to enter the world of stagnant growths.

Ozzkat says

8/10 - Agree Disagree

An absolutely phenomenal custom story that really does discern itself from all others I've ever played! It was very enjoyable, but I do wish it was longer however... The 8/10 is really just due to two blimps I picked up: The rusty key had no use that I could find at all, but the story wasn't really OPEN-ENDED to me (which would've been fine), but instead a hole. The ending was extremely confusing and lacked a real... "bang," I guess you could say. It'd be amazing if you could revamp this with a few fixes, but nevertheless, I still applaud you! Great job!