Thunder's Leaves is a modification about Combine technologies and their usage by rebels

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Bugs and glitches (Games : Half-Life 2: Episode Two : Mods : Thunder's Leaves : Forum : Suggestions : Bugs and glitches ) Locked
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May 21 2021 Anchor

Here you can share founded bugs, glitches and also suggest any improvements.

May 21 2021 Anchor

the supply capsule just not work.I'm pressing the walkie-talkie but just doesn't work.

edit:my bad, it works now

Edited by: danskartb

May 22 2021 Anchor

Приветствую. Я некоторую часть написал в обзоре, но повторю и тут. В некоторых субтитрах имеются некоторые ошибки по типу "стридеры", "альянс", "Комбайны, комбайны". Во время основных диалогов при включенных субтитрах вмешиваются фразы обычных повстанцев. Некоторых зомби спаунятся в немного странных местах, где их недолжно было быть, ибо, пройдя первый этаж и поднимаясь на второй, на первому можно увидеть зомби, которых вообще по логике недолжно быть. Вот скhин -

Очень хотелось бы, чтобы селектор оружия был дефолтным, потому что очень не понравилось их изменение.

Не отображаются иконки при подборе патронов для оружия - ссылка:
Заметил такое:

Очевидный, но всё же, софтлок -,, есть ещё место с очевидным софтлоком, где нужно запихнуть электрохак вперед. Ещё одна проблема с электрохаком -

Насчет Дропшипов -, застревают в некоторых местах. Ещё насчет Дропшипов -, очень странный радиус стрельбы при высадке солдат, да и при полетах не стреляют по врагам, такое, увы, и в ванилле, ну, в Хл2, но раньше они стреляли, просто летая, что давало возможность для безопасной высадки солдат. Вот ещё пример -

Проигрывается анимация зарядки подстовльника при отсутствии оных -

Имеются некоторые проблемы с анимациями того, как садишься в машину -
Проблемы с HUD -,
Ещё заметил, что есть отдельная граната для солдат, но при подборе именно их гранаты она не дается отдельно, а только как боеприпасы для ребеловской, наверное, было бы лучше, если бы у каждой гранаты был бы свой счетчик, ибо это ведь разные гранаты. Так-то отдельная граната солдат есть и для игрока, как я понял, ибо проверил через impulse 101. Ах да, зачем нужно было убирать оптический прицел у Арбалета, но при это возможность целиться такая же, как и при оптическом прицеле?

При возвращении к радиовышке, чтобы открыть новый путь, мы встречаем Ганшипа, который пролетает, как я понял, мимо, ибо нас атакует совсем немного. В итоге он просто летит в одном месте -,
Пока всё.

Edited by: Union_of_Universes

May 22 2021 Anchor

В thunderleaves_11_03, во время приседания в темном участке под мостом, фонарь при отведении в правую сторону затухает но продолжает работать!

Edited by: IDDQD_1337

May 22 2021 Anchor

Хотелось бы видеть в обновлении мода:

1) пофикшенную перезарядку комбайнской AR2 (наподобие такой, как в MMod или Snowdrop Escape)

2) на мой взгляд, в моде не хватает охотников Альянса, они же мини-страйдеры. По сюжету они появляются в Эпизоде 2, т.к. за счёт быстроногости используются Альянсом для боевых действий, разведки и патрулирования в сельской местности, где как раз происходит действие Thunder's Leaves. Особенно широкий оперативный простор для охотников в локации с радиовышкой, ветряками, ЛЭП и солнечными батареями.

May 22 2021 Anchor

If you destroy Combine Dropship's soldier crate, they'll stuck on their fly path

And at thundersleaves_14_4, the allies won't follow me to the tunnel for no reason

edit: the second is not bug, my fault, sorry :(

Edited by: Koishi_Komeiji_1984

May 23 2021 Anchor
Koishi_Komeiji_1984 wrote:

If you destroy Combine Dropship's soldier crate, they'll stuck on their fly path

And at thundersleaves_14_4, the allies won't follow me to the tunnel for no reason

About the npc stuck. I'll find out what's wrong, thank you, I'll definitely try to fix it. For now, I recommend to start the last chapter (Sacrifice) from "new game" to avoid this bug.

Edited by: Andrey_Gorkin

May 23 2021 Anchor
Koishi_Komeiji_1984 wrote:

If you destroy Combine Dropship's soldier crate, they'll stuck on their fly path

How do I destroy it?

And at thundersleaves_14_4, the allies won't follow me to the tunnel for no reason

For me this bug never occurred.

Union_of_Universes wrote:

Не понравилось, что дефолтный СМГ стал стрелять медленнее...

Странно, что не решили фиксить анимацию перезарядки у обычного AR2, ибо у измененной версии почему-то сделана нормальная перезарядка.

Также надеюсь, что измененная версия AR2 будет стрелять именно свинцом, ибо сами спрайты патронов старые, как и попадания.

Меня ещё удивило, что мы солдат с дробовиком вообще не встречали, только трупы их в самом начале. Почему? Хотелось бы узнать.

Цитирую обзор.

1) Я попросил автора сделать аддон (он будет состоять из server.dll и client.dll, т.к. для этого надо внести изменения в код), который исправит скорострельность дефолтного СМГ в руках игрока и вражеских солдат на дефолтную.

2) Написал автору модов Entropy: Zero, где в демке второй части анимации стрельбы с подачей патронов и перезарядки AR2 пофикшены, с просьбой дать контакты моделера/аниматора, работавшего с этой пушкой. Может, он разрешит использовать и даже любезно поменяет держащую за магазин левую руку на руку повстанца в перчатке-беспальцовке. Кстати, левую руку не мешает добавить и на AR2-R.

3) AR2-R стреляет теми же импульсными патронами, что и стандартная AR2 (но повстанческая скорострельнее, что компенсирует отсутствие подствольника), потому спрайты и эффекты попаданий у неё такие же (не знаю, почему патроны в ленте AR2-R выглядят иначе, возможно, будет доработано).

4) Было бы проблемно вводить в игру ещё и комбайнский дробовик, тем более, что в модах на ХЛ2 убойность оружия соответствует типу боеприпасов, и два дробовика тупо не отличались бы по геймплею. В бета-версии мода были солдаты Альянса с повстанческими дробовиками, что смотрелось глупо, потому от них отказались.

Edited by: HEVcrab

May 23 2021 Anchor

В ангаре, где мне дают машину, говорят используй электрохак. Нажимаю С, слышу треск, ничего не происходит. В консоли пишет "env_beam: unknown entity "manhack2""

И я так и не разобрался на тренировке, как его использовать. Щелкал С, он сверкает, а что делает не понял. Можно поподробнее как его правильно использовать?

UPD: разобрался. Надо было его из машины сначала достать. А судя по звуку, я думал что он не заспавнился. И нужно подвести его к щитку и нажать)

Edited by: Aynekko

May 24 2021 Anchor

I've just finished the game (release 1.0), it's was nice but I had a lot of issues.

I couldn't use the supply capsule at all. I didn't had the radio in my inventory, so I completed the game whitout using any supply capsule.
I don't know if I had to pick a portable radio somewhere.

At the end of the game, I didn't had on my inventory the following weapons : The loud-22, the revolver and the crossbow. (I don't know if this is linked to the fact that I didn't have the radio)


I think you should remove the indicator of remaining armor overloads you have in the HUD. (Not the tiny line telling you if there's an armor overload nearby).

When the player knows that He has only 3 armor overloads available for the all game, He will try to not use them, because he thinks that it could be useful for later. But in the all game, you see only 3 of these huges generators, the same amount as the available armor overloads you have. I think that the players should use an armor overloads every time they have the opportunity because they're a so fun ! It reminds me when you get a star in Mario and then you're invicible and you crush everyone.

When I saw that I had 1 charge remaning, I kept it until the end of the game whitout using it.


I think you should add in the HUD the compass that tells you where is your car, just like Half-Life 2 Episode 2 when you had to fight all the striders at the end of the game.


Edited by: maxime-n2

May 24 2021 Anchor

Hello, I finished playing the mod today and I have to say that it has been quite cool ( especially the atmosphere, great vibes ).

I want to share the following, which is a mix of bug reports, suggestions and personal thoughts:

( Disclaimer: Wall of text )
( Warning: Spoilers )

-The training chapter should be set as optional prologue, so you can either choose this or play directly the first chapter.
-You are never given an "introduction" to your character ( not even through texts like the HL GoldSrc games does ), so at first, when the characters were talking about "Vincent", I was confused.
-The training focuses on classic gameplay rather than solely on the new aspects ( although then again, one could outright skip this and use hints as the game progresses ).
-Forcing the players to follow a slow NPC is a hard no, there's a reason why Valve stopped doing this since HL2 itself ( on the Episodes and on forward, NPCs will often run, or walk small distances ). It doesn't help that the "radius" for following is small, so if you were ahead of them, and you have to follow them again, you will have to backtrack to the NPC first before they move.

-At the intro of the first chapter, you can help this guy on the car shop by restoring the power, so it gives you three batteries...but you can't pick them up ( I had 60 energy points, so there was room for more. )?

-The "Enable all generators for the good ending" text bothers me: Why show this to the player? And also what generators.
There's also the issue that it is never explained the HUD element above the ammo, until I discovered it was tied to overcharging ( but then again, why having it as HUD element at all? ).

-The overcharge feature is tied to places rather than willingly unleashed, which kinda makes it disappointing. It would have been better to store them on batteries and then used when pressing a key ( this way one can also avoid accumulating more "charges" ).

-The charged electro zombie rebel is stupidly buffed ( at least twice health than a Zombine ). Sure, they are "overcharged", but on this early with shitty weapons, it is a pain ( and that "maze" where you encounter two of them the first time is frustrating. It doesn't help that is not properly toolsclipped, so you tend to get stuck with the fence models ).
Also, their energy arcs hurts you but nothing else, which is unfair ( in fact, how does someone get infected while overcharged? Nothing can touch you ).

-The cassette mentioning the explosive poison headcrabs should have appeared before you encounter the first one. It was absolutely not fun finding what they do without knowing at all.
-Fuck that explosive headcrab in the duct btw, I had to trick the AI into getting stuck it in one of the corners, so it couldn't move.

-Respawning enemies on places you already cleared / behind you is a hard no. At least do stuff like them breaking down walls and other rather than *teleports behind you*.
-The way the turret fires rockets is weird, it seems to focus on certain enemies rather than on timing ( fires faster when headcrabs are closer, than when a zombie is on a mid-distance ).

-What's the point of deploying a Suppressor on an open space? One can just attack their drones from far / unreachable areas.

-The mod doesn't have the Dropship gun fix ( ), so you can spawnkilling the soldiers without any issue.

Weapons in general are a disappointment:
-The loud-22 shotgun is just the default shotgun, but with fewer shells and no double fire. Either raise the rate of fire or allow players to fire it quickly via fast clicking.
-The pistol being under powered sucks, because you are surrounded by respawning zombies, little ammo, and hence you require more headshots.

The MP7 and AR2 variants. What's the point?:
-The rebel MP7 has a grenade launcher while the combine one doesn't, and slightly different RoF ( and 10 fewer bullets on the mag ), but that's all.
-The AR2 is a missed opportunity. You have this rebel made one, which apparently it uses heavy caliber bullets...but is just a reskinned AR2 without alt fire. And then it uses the same ammo pool as the Combine AR2.
-Why bother with having different grenades if they do the same and use the same ammo pool?

-It is easy to miss it, but the crowbar is actually buffed. It can kill way faster enemies than in vanilla HL2. Perhaps some kind of "hint" that makes you be aware of it ( like, "no living thing can resist 1-2 whacks on their head" )?.

-Didn't have the chance to use the crossbow, but 357 and RPG are the same as in HL2, so at least that's alright ( the latter has a very nice custom model, btw ).

Mapping is superb, the vibes are excellent. These CS:S / L4D prop vehicles modified to be abandoned-wrecked? *chef kiss* ( impressive that no mod did this before ).

-It seems that not all the fonts are loaded, because for example the ammo picking icons or the flashlight doesn't show.

-Not all the NPC chatter has subtitles, and some either are different or sound strange.

-The mod really should have a warning for flashing lights. There's so many flashes and white fades.

Why the rebels have to go through an abandoned and infected section to reach another area? Don't they have secured corridors in between?

Why we are knocked down and with several flashes when the Suppressor gets deployed? ( aside from the obvious "we need to hide it spawning" ).

In Ignition, apparently the Combine generated an energy pulse which made all generators to explode and start fires, and either break down or "rehack" drones and turrets...yet no effect appears ( only the final white fade ), and the generators aren't destroyed, but in red.

Still in Ignition, on the part where you find the Scanners poisoning the plants, it is hard to notice the vent. Making brighter the red light that it has next to it should solve the issue.

The cassettes could have more "lore" and a way to replay them, since after all they are their own entities.

-The "electrohacks" could be more than just a "glorified EMP hack that you can't control directly", they could zap / stun enemies around ( this is also a custom entity btw ).

-( This is just a personal thing ) it bothers me that you must use the crowbar to both open power boxes and get charged. I would like to "+use" as well.

-The second half of the mod with the vehicle is much better, especially once you have to power up the radio tower, as that entire level is almost like an open world.

-Some ladders doesn't allow you to correctly mount / dismount them, you have to jump / press "+use".

-The explosive antlions ended being very annoying, due to the insane explosive range they have. Tweaking that range, and making their behavior like the Antlion Workers could make them work much better.

-Calling up supplies via Combine shells has ended a bit disappointing because it isn't dynamic ( I expected it to be like that Gmod addon, that you point and the shell lands there ) and you can only select twice the loadout in the entire mod ( so that means you can potentially miss the 357 or the crossbow ), although at least it lands in a random position each time.
This is also when their HUD element should appear ( upon picking up the radio ), rather than showing from the start ( which together with the generator HUD element, it made me wonder for what were these, as the tutorial didn't make any reference to them ) .

-The final boss, well gotta admit that the concept of an EMP Strider is interesting, but on each energy wave it should strip you out from energy, rather than magically spawn explosive manhacks. I didn't like that is so buffed up to the point that even after exhausting your RPGs, grenades and SMG nades, is still alive ( forcing you to go around the arena while awaiting the RPG rounds to respawn ).

-The explosive manhacks should explode on approach rather than upon sight, because very often they will explode very far from you.

-The ending with the tower, I see where you wanted to go but ended a bit anticlimactic, perhaps a gunship or rappelling soldiers having to shoot you while you climb would make it a lil better.
Then I survived the fall but became Thor ( cool scene btw ) and died.
The last scene could have been more dynamic, more idk, "transmit more to the player". Films like Rouge One leaves you between "they accomplished their mission but died" and "they told a good self-contained story that closed good". Rather than just "yes the signal is on, and we are all warning everybody."

-Quite sturdy radio tower to resist up to seven Strider warp shots ( when the White Forest silo blows with a single one ) :V
Perhaps having only 1-3 shots and not all at the same time would make the same dramatic effect ( and if you can delay a bit the fade, so we actually can see how we fall with the tower, like in one section of Research & Development, it would be great ).

And well that was all. Basically in a TL;DR: the mod is quite good, but it has some aspects that can be improved ( some easier to accomplish than others ).
Still, considering all what happened with Steam and that a single person developed this, is an incredible achievement.
You for sure made a unique style with the maps, enemy and allied variants, and the atmosphere, and with further patches it can shine even further.
Thank you so much for your dedication.

May 30 2021 Anchor

Игра c некоторой вероятностью может вылететь, если задавить на машине зелёного антлиона(тот что наносит урон при смерти), возможно это связано с тем как работает послесмертное облако урона, когда игрок в машине.

Играл на патче 1.05

Edited by: SellFace

May 30 2021 Anchor
SellFace wrote:

Игра c некоторой вероятностью может вылететь, если задавить на машине зелёного антлиона(тот что наносит урон при смерти), возможно это связано с тем как работает послесмертное облако урона, когда игрок в машине.

Играл на патче 1.05

У меня вылет тоже был, когда я давил такого с места, а не на скорости.

May 30 2021 Anchor

У меня вылет тоже был, когда я давил такого с места, а не на скорости.

Вот именно да. Может дело в том, что игра при их смерти пытается заспавнить рэгдолл вместо гибсов? Я не разу не видел, чтобы они умирали без расщепления на куски, что и должно быть по задумке. Видимо, рэгдоллы у них не работают, соответственно любая смерть без гиббинга крашит игру. Тут наверное дело в том, что если нпс умирают от урона транспорта, то обязательно спавнится серверный рэгдолл, чтобы они не пролетали сквозь машину, скорее этот прикол и оказался более приоритетным, чем код, который заставлял их гибаться при любом количестве урона.

Edited by: SellFace

Jun 4 2021 Anchor

Right after I killed the strider at the end, the middle gate opened but the one to the radio tower didn't, and neither did the citizens follow me. I had to noclip the gate to continue the game. This also happened right after the player is knocked out by that pulse and everything is on fire later and the captain rescues you, he climbs over a ledge and can't come back to the node path.

Also, I forgot to write down where (but took a pic, but there is one part where a rogue manhack comes down from a vent (right when they start acting like enemies) and you can see the void from that vent.

Jun 11 2021 Anchor

I cannot finish this mod due to a bug : I have to hack the gate with a "flying machine" (sorry, don't remember the name) in order to leave with the car but : The gate does not open. Any solution ?
Jun 12 2021 Anchor
danyD wrote:

I cannot finish this mod due to a bug : I have to hack the gate with a "flying machine" (sorry, don't remember the name) in order to leave with the car but : The gate does not open. Any solution ?

Make sure you get your equipment from Colbert. Also, you may not have activated the electrohack. Press "C" to hack the electrical box.

Jul 20 2021 Anchor

I had the same issue, go to the back of the car and activate a friendly manhack, then try to hack the panel egain. Electrohack doesn't work for me unless I have the electrohack sentry marker on the screen.

I guess it wasn't obvious for me that having the little guy out was necessary!

Edited by: jpfabre

Feb 8 2022 Anchor

Edit - no problems.

Edited by: SmashBob

May 22 2022 Anchor

it's not working, as soon as i open it crashes...
I downloaded it and unfold it into the sourcemods directory, then I downloaded the 2013 source SDK.
then I tried launching it but it doesn't work

Jul 5 2022 Anchor
Alexplosion_ITA wrote:

it's not working, as soon as i open it crashes...
I downloaded it and unfold it into the sourcemods directory, then I downloaded the 2013 source SDK.
then I tried launching it but it doesn't work

Have you set Source SDK 2013 singleplayer to Upcoming branch?

Sep 4 2022 Anchor

I have installed Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer on upcoming.
I extracted the files from the RAR archive to the sourcemods folder.
And then I can't start the game.

Sep 6 2022 Anchor
Sodium_abobium wrote:

I have installed Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer on upcoming.
I extracted the files from the RAR archive to the sourcemods folder.
And then I can't start the game.

Have you restarted Steam? Do you see the mod shortcut?

Oct 27 2022 Anchor

Every time I get this, and put it in the source mods, it never appears anywhere, what am I doing wrong?

May 11 2023 Anchor

Steam input doesn't seem to work on Thunder's Leaves, as well as controller support in general? Like not even that the general Source action binding options don't come up, but all mappings whether to keyboard, mouse, or controller inputs just aren't received. It reminds me of what happens when I tried skipping the intro for Entropy Zero 2; if the launch intros are skipped with -novid, Steam Input never binds. Controller inputs seem to be received only after those vids have played, and this mod doesn't have any.

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