Too scared to play the original on your own? This might be your chance.. (More coming soon)

MarBronx says

7/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

Playing a great HL mod like They Hunger in Sven Co-op is a new experience, just like any Co-op mod of HL. Although, this mod focuses specially in providing heal and weapons and spawn zombies in new places, therefore, in the combat instead of the story and another good things from the original mod. I didn't like the heavy zombie and the Otis zombie, not because of the difficulty, but it didn't fit well with the real ambience of They Hunger. Also, the mod allows you to play 2 of the 3 episodes, so the last one must be played in the original mod. I like the reviving teammate feature and the infinte supplies of ammo and health, but unfortunately distorts the unique gameplay of They Hunger. If you like just killing zombies and liked the environment of this mod, this is for you.