The Warriors In Black is a mod that takes place in the Warhammer 40k realm. Armed with your trusty bolt pistol and combat knife, Brother Markus swears an oath to the emperor during his aproach to the Maldavian sector. On a mission to eliminate the enemies of the Impierium of man and puge the sector of the foul Xeno's currently hold up on many of the planets in the area, Markus stumbles upon a discovery that could pose a greater threat then any alien he may incounter...

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Merry Cristmas

Merry Cristmas


Merry Cristmas to Moddb and everyone who reads this from The Warriors In Black team! Showing some media updates and new models...


News 3 comments

We have gone on a modeling frenzy due to a die hard fan’s support in finding a Half-life 2 model decompile. As for the mod its self we are almost prepared...