LOTR-TW is a Total Conversion for Alexander TW based on The Lord of the Rings trilogy, focused to recreate the epic battles seen in the movies. It has a complete Middle Earth map, fully customised cities like Minas Tirith and Helm's Deep on Battle and Campaign map, a set of Historical Battles where you can play all the major and minor battles that take place in the trilogy, and a quest line for the Free-People's campaign where, if the player succeeds, will take the Ring-Bearer from Hobbiton to the wasteland of Mordor in an attempt to save the world from its doom.

abunzu says

8/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

still a great mod.
i really liked the version 2 and plaied a lot.
the v3 looks nice, there was much work on appearence off the battlemap and citys. But some of the special citys really need some care. dol guldur has no walls in custom battle, maybe campaign too. pelargir is also shaked inside, black gate can not be taken, only destroied because you can not walk on it.
others look ok. and some of them really great ( moria, minas tirith, helms deep.
AI is still sily and stupid in custom battle, so i guess also in campaign. maybe you should talk to rome total realism team, they made the strongest AI i saw in my live for rtw.
the AI campaign-map-intelligence i don´t know now. but v2: rohan tried a run to the east and failed everywhere as result.

in the next days i will experience the campaign and have a closer look at the special citys.

good work. and thankyou for this great mod. this and total realism are my most favored mods for trw. everythig else was deleated very soon.

mfg abunzu