Finally It is here, The Dark Lords Fortress if you are a fan of Castlevania Lords of shadow series and always wanted Dracula's Castle to explore in Skyrim, well here you go, after many years of hard work and dedication, I finally finished it. Do you Dare to brave the vampires fortress? to kill all the unholy abominations that occupy the castle? Or do you wish to Find a new dwelling, A fortress of your own, a lair for a creature of darkness like yourself to lay your weary head and call home for all eternity? then here is your chance! beware, once you enter the domain of the Dragon, you might never escape!

RSS Reviews

THEPedro says

Agree Disagree



DiGiTaLCLeaNeR says

Agree Disagree

The sheer size of this thing is amazing. The artwork for the custom castle cells is right out of a castlevania game. Ported possibly? A job well done!
I highly recommend anyone to download this.


MasterMilkDrinker says


Heorl_256 says