Prepare to descend into the abyss of "The City of The Damned 2," a haunting sequel to the unholy terror that was its predecessor. This nightmarish ZDoom map, infused with the sinister essence of Monolith's "Blood," now emerges from the depths, cloaked in the eerie glow of dynamic lights and adorned with nightmarish enhancements, all in the haunting embrace of GZDoom. As you step into this accursed realm, brace yourself for a descent into madness. The very air is thick with dread, the city streets shrouded in perpetual darkness. Unholy forces conspire in the shadows, as malevolent zombies, deranged cultists, and diabolical demons lurk around every corner, their malevolence palpable. With trembling hands and pounding heart, you shall embark on a nightmarish odyssey where the line between the living

RSS Reviews

ledernierrempart says

Agree Disagree

was a blast to play in coop with a friend.


Fyshtako says

Agree Disagree

This remaster takes an already classic WAD and turns it into an extremely polished experience. The changes from what I remember are really cool!
Final save time was 1h 47m but play time was more like three hours with reloads and searching around.
Played on "Hard" difficulty and I'd say it was fairly difficult - had I not save scummed a bit it would have been extremely hard due to the almost survival horror level of ammo/health attrition.
Well deserving of a 10/10 and it is now on my favorite Doom mods list!