"THAT" is a single player source mod that runs on the 2007 SDK engine. It is more of an art installation than it is an actual game, it is my also one of my personal endeavors to push the "games as art" movement which I strongly believe in. The game features abstract surreal scenery and doesn't really contain an objective, it is more of a game to relax to and explore. The game is set in a grid of 9 maps, starting in the center (5th map). You can travel between the maps at your own leisure. I hope you enjoy it and that it encourages game designers to think outside the box when it comes to creating games.

masterfox3000 says

10/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

It's things like these that make me love Half-Life 2 mods, even with a ****** graphic card, beautiful games like these make it look like nothing.

It really felt as if i was inside a painting of a famous museum, the fact that i was playing this in the dark on a plasma screen and the ambient music playing in the background really helped the whole ESTRANHANISMO.

I'm giving it a 10 out of 10 because is nothing to bitch about.