I can only remember two things. The first is that my name is Edward, and the second is a thought that I cannot get out of my head. "Do not fear the darkness." It eats away at the back of my mind. Everything, everyone I ever knew is gone. My memories have completely blurred. Simply nothing remains. Do not fear the darkness... Flashes of people, places, things I once knew... it's all gone. Forty years, or so I estimate, of living just... gone. There's an empty potion bottle next to me. It reeks of chemicals, and there's a strange viscous, pink liquid stuck to the sides. What have I done... Do not fear the darkness! Download and play Tenebris Lake today! Features Include: Nearly 400 Megabytes of new content. Multiple new monsters. Striking, incredibly detailed environments. Voice acting Dark, terrifying moments guaranteed to bring back the feeling of first playing Amnesia. Thoroughly bug-tested and all text proofread. Nearly 900 hours of combined work.

Gruntie says

This review may contain spoilers

8/10 - Agree Disagree

Good mod :)

+Fun little easter egg -> lol bowling
+Creepy atmosphere
+New music
+New creatures... the crawler scares me in the ending area
+Pretty map design

-story was ok... but there's better
-I wasn't too fond of the voice acting (wife)

I recommend everyone to give this a try :)