Sunlust is a set of 32 boom-compatible maps for Doom II, designed to be played from pistol start. The maps meander through a range of themes, from traditional bases and temples to abstract hellish, void, and tech aesthetics. UV is designed primarily for ubermensch doom-gods, thus we encourage most players to start off on HMP or lower.

RSS Reviews

bohorat says

Agree Disagree

Architecture, music, choices of textures and level designing is really cool and amazing but it gets too goddamn hard at the end


kalensar says

Agree Disagree

Basically if you suck at slaughter maps do not play this. Use PrBoom for best results because the monster and object count gets insane the further you go


yoriaiko says

Agree Disagree

awesome architecture, a bit challenging at later levels, till map24, totally unplayable on brutality3 gzdoom due to too ffff many details/obiect? sadly, cannot finish this one, so have to post quite low score.


Dimeal says

Agree Disagree

pretty damn good, almost impossible with the amount of enemies the last levels have


TerminatorT64 says