String is a short little custom story made for Amnesia the Dark Descent. You play as Henry, an old king who returns to his once underground fortress. But he soon finds out that those he left behind have been waiting for him all these years. If he succeeds he might be forgiven.

impala-of-mayfair says

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8/10 - Agree (4) Disagree

I'd like to start off by saying holy crap, your mapping is gorgeous. The atmospheres are beautiful and unique and provided for a new experience. I took a few minutes in the beginning just to gaze at the scene of the waterfall.

Those sounds coming from outside the closet were terrifying. I loved the fact that Richard could talk. However, I did not understand why he was a Brute. There wasn't any reason for Richard to be a monster, unless he'd been brought back from the dead...?

I feel, though, that the story left way too many questions unanswered. What was Henry trying to cover up? Was it the fact that he killed Christine? How is Christine alive and dead at the same time? Was the ghost of his past self literal, or just a figment of his imagination? Why was Henry always closing the gates (paranoia)? Why was Henry initially cruel to Philip - was it just the alcohol or was there another reason? Is Philip even still alive? What on Earth was the floating body bag in the end? Was that the statue of Henry? If not, what did it represent? If Christine really did forgive him, then why does Henry die? Why does the story end so suddenly? Why is it always the same ending despite different paths taken? In the left door of the maze, what was the purpose of the water-stairs sequence?

Perhaps it's just the writer in me, but I felt that the story was lacking lots in detail. I feel like a bit of mystery is good, but you can still leave an open ending to a story even if it is finely detailed.

Overall, I thought it was a great mod, but it could use a bit of story-work, in my opinion. Keep working hard, you've got a lot of talent!