Star Wars: Movie Duels is a single player Jedi Academy: Total Conversion. Movie Duels will let you relive the most famous duels from Star Wars Episode 1, 2 and 3.

MasterVV says

9/10 - Agree Disagree

This is a unique JKA mod. I think this is the best mod for JKA. We all wanted to play some epic scenes from the first three movies but LucasArts didn't created any game like this. Star Wars Movie Duels 2 is what we waited for. I think that all of you have played Movie Duels 1.0. That mod was great. But Movie Duels 2 is even more epic! You can play every single moment from the first three movies with each side. From the moment when Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi went to the droid control ship in Episode I to the Duel of Heroes in Episode III. You can even change your character and play with everyone you'd like (characters from the first three movies and JKA). You have a challenge option where you create a character and fight the greatest Jedi Masters and Sith Lords. There is even a bonus era: Rise of The Empire. I don't want to be a spoiler so I won't tell you everything about it. The game is challenging. You need to have some skills to play it. You have everything in this game. But...nobody can be perfect. Even this mod has a bug. A big one. Some of you will enter the game, select a map, and after that the game crushes and returns to the main menu. Others will be able to play a few levels but when you will exit the game, the next time you enter it it will crash like I described above. For some computers this doesn't happen. It's random. For me, it works, but for one of my friends it doesn't work.