Simply put this is an easy to install mod collection for STALKER CoP. The list of installed mods and more info in summary.

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Can't change install directory (Games : S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat : Mods : S.T.A.L.K.E.R: CoP RECONSTRUCTED : Forum : HELP! : Can't change install directory) Locked
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Apr 9 2020 Anchor

Ive been having CTD issues because I installed it onto a previous install (i know, i know, im bad.) and so since I didnt do a clean install, I decide to completely uninstall and reinstall to my C drive instead of my F drive. When I go to reinstall the mods, it keeps reinstalling the files to the F drive and now it is still CTDing. When I copy the files from the F drive to the C drive, I always overwrite the files and still nothing. Anyway to change the install directory or any insights as to why it keeps crashing?

UPDATE: I got it working but it keeps using the mod config I used originally. I wanted to remove the HUD Rework, but it keeps adding it.

UPDATE 2: The crashing was because of a tweak I made to actor.ltx, however, the installer keeps adding the HUD Rework when I have it unchecked and it still installs to my F drive. This happens even after I fully deleted the mod installer and redownloaded it.

Edited by: Aoi_the_Hert

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