Welcome to Shovelware Adventure! This is a sprawling 100% vanilla compatible map originally designed for the Vinesauce mapping contest. It features a few heavily modified enemies, many areas inspired by the classics and should take the average Doomer about an hour to complete. Difficulty settings are thoroughly implemented here (as usual) to ensure anyone can have a fun, fair craic at this. The very end of the map is difficult even for me on UV, though I'm sure some of you out there with a sixth sense for Doom will have no trouble beating this! There are several different paths to the end. Speedy Doomers may find themselves in the final room in a matter of minutes, but you'll also be missing quite a few secret areas. It all depends which way you prefer to conquer this abandoned base.

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Shovelware Adventure! (Final version)

Shovelware Adventure! (Final version)

Full Version 1 comment

Welcome to Shovelware Adventure! This is a 100% vanilla compatible wad & dehacked file for DOOM II. This map is full of bloody battle arenas and slimy...