In this survival-horror story-telling FPS you play as Christopher Wolf, a man who has had an all around great life. That is, until he and his wife were driving back to their house after attending a party Someone runs into the middle of the road, causing them to crash into a nearby tree. Chris survives the crash, but his wife does not. Devastated, Chris vows to find the person that caused the accident. Looking around, he sees the perpetrator and runs after him. During his chase he learns that the car "accident" was no accident at all! He is put through a series of horrid tests and is attacked by horrid creatures. you are completely unarmed and the paths you chose decides your fate. Can you stay sane?

RSS Articles
First map nearly completed and public alpha comeing soon!

First map nearly completed and public alpha comeing soon!


So after working for about an hour just trying to get fog to look perfect and also experimenting a bit with a 3D skybox ( which is something i rarely...