This is an English translation(machine) of the Russian Civil War mod and its submod, which adds real world map, more troops, different factions and such. I added some tweaks, fixes and anims as well.

RSS Files
EoNT - Hotfix #2

EoNT - Hotfix #2

Patch 1 comment

Next hotfix focusing mainly on better translation, I will make one more if you report enough bugs and then I will start working on bigger features.

EoNT - Hotfix #1

EoNT - Hotfix #1


Here's a quick hotfix, main features of this one are weapon rebalance and fixing the unreachable locations on map

Russian Civil War - EoNT 1.0

Russian Civil War - EoNT 1.0

Full Version 3 comments

First release of the mod, will release smaller hotfixes later if I find bugs.