A mod set in 218 B.C the start of the 2nd punic war. a sp/mp Mod For Mount&Blade warband.

FireFox21 says

4/10 - Agree (1) Disagree (1)

a beautiful pack, well designed, troops look good and are armed as to what you'd think for their factions, however i was unsure as of any mods in this module, for example the meet the Guild master and town elder buttons, i find these two alone are a mandatory bit that should be added to a good mod pack. This module has an insane amount of potential, and i could see myself playing it for hours on end, but without mods like the two i mentioned, this is just a well designed native in my eyes, and if i wanted to play native I'd play native (sorry for being blunt here) Here's hoping you guys add some more to the mods in the module, I'll be waiting for news on this mod pack to see if it gets better.