"Numbness and rage. Fright and anger. I open my eyes. Oh, well. My cell is pitch dark anyhow. "Block E1". I heard their inhuman voices. Lying on this cold metal bed, I stretch my arms along my sides. This must be the right posture to fit in a pod. I do not tolerate the idea of not being ready. Yes, but ready for what? No, I won't give way to grief. A squeaky sound... No, no way. It can't be true. The door opens, light replaces darkness. I will ask for a reason later. Now I have a choice to take. An easy one. I will run the hell out of here, whatever it takes. It's time to get a little revenge. It's time to start my own riot act."

rcminor says

9/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

Excellent game! Just finished playing it through for the 2nd time. 1st time was a while ago, and I didn't even remember a lot of it; didn't even remember that I'd finished it before until I saw the the view from the bridge and the -- well, I won't spoil it. Some of the sequences are brutal! Spent waaay too long on the courtyard battle where the goons just keep coming, until I figured out what you had to do. Somebody else griped about needing "only" the RPG to take down gunships and striders; but that's what you do in the original game too. What's the problem?

Overall, great game. Very nice tie-in to the original. Lots of action, and you get antlions! (Man, those things still give me the creeps, even if they are friends now!)

A couple very minor criticisms: as someone else noted, "Here,Jameel,ammo!" gets a bit annoying, because it's so constant. I would have liked to hear the medic say, "Hey, that looks bad," or "Here, put this on it," or something. Also, your squad are idiots! Shouldn't these guys know by now, you can't stand RIGHT IN FRONT of a turret and shoot at it??? Your name, Jameel. Jameel? With that pale skin? Didn't understand that at all. Agree that a few more pure puzzle challenges would have been good. Finally, although it's handy for the gameplay, why do I have a hazard suit on? A flashlight is necessary for some sequences I think; could that be set up as a feature without the rest of the suit - like finding a flashlight on a table activates that suit function without the rest?

Save at the very end, and check out the poster on the ledge. Just be aware there's no way off it (that I found, anyway.)

Bottom line: Riot Act. Play it. One of the best mods there is. Really.