In a world that has suffered from wars and economic problems it was easy for a company to maintain control over the whole world. That was what synco did. Now the administrator thinks that only one thing is needed to make him a god is to create inteligent life...

S!C says

4/10 - Agree (1) Disagree (4)

The Return has some nice custom props and it definatley tries to create a unique atmosphere, which could be interesting if it wheren't for the non-custom Half-life 2 elements that litter the maps and give you the impression of a job half done. The storyline and the promised horror feeling are virtually non-existent leaving you to a mixture of oddly balanced fire fights and fiddly puzzles. Although the on screen text tries at times to point you in the right direction you are often lost as to what to do next. To top this of some of the puzzles are also downright illogical and filled with gamebreaking elements.