"Reissues" is a community compilation of 30 single player Half-Life 1 levels authored by a mix of various designers. Each one has created their own unique, self-contained chapter: you'll spelunk into ancient Egyptian tombs, scale mile-high cliff sides, and fight your way through several clever re-imaginings of Black Mesa - among other exciting setpieces! Why did we bother squeezing this last bit of mileage out of a decade-old game engine? Because Half-Life 1 offers a unique feel and aesthetic that makes it a timeless classic; because great gun fights remain great fun fights, even without shiny next-gen graphics; because we love what we do, and we hope you'll love it too.


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10/10 - Agree Disagree

Half-Life has always been praised for it's quality maps, And Mappers to this day continue to amaze me with how they make maps and give them diverse Indenties.

"ReIssues" is a mod consisting of many mappers works all put together into one mod, It also brings together some new ideas not seen in Half-Life:Scripted transportation, Pitched Battles in close quarters, and new mod exclusive models.

The mod is very challenging but not Impossibly challenging, While some may complain about the lack of Ammo in some areas, This mod still gives you many ways to kick the enemies ***.