"Reissues" is a community compilation of 30 single player Half-Life 1 levels authored by a mix of various designers. Each one has created their own unique, self-contained chapter: you'll spelunk into ancient Egyptian tombs, scale mile-high cliff sides, and fight your way through several clever re-imaginings of Black Mesa - among other exciting setpieces! Why did we bother squeezing this last bit of mileage out of a decade-old game engine? Because Half-Life 1 offers a unique feel and aesthetic that makes it a timeless classic; because great gun fights remain great fun fights, even without shiny next-gen graphics; because we love what we do, and we hope you'll love it too.

TheUnbeholden says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

This one forgoes the overall goal of the last one and just allows you to choose which map you want to play. The story never mattered so its no loss, but these maps are considerable less length. The Egyptian map while invented and unique, was quite short that it felt unsatisfying. Same goes for the Its Safer Here which pits you against combine (that don't sound like combine) and just suddenly ends after barely 10 minutes.
Cyan however is where things go better, it still has a unique feel (higher tech outpost- a magazine you find suggests its set in future) and the mod has some good length but AI pathfinding issues bring it down a bit ..a annoying scientist that keeps refusing to follow you eventhough he said he wanted to go to the lobby and open a door for you -_-
Second Breath was very good level design and the location blew me away in its detail,
Echo Transit was quite a bit of fun and just goes to show that simple level design can be fun if you have a characters that talk to you and some objectives to do.... Satellite Trouble was somewhat ordinary IMO as well as Encampment & Lab Coats Required.
Overall, I'm disappointed with the maps.