Credit to DKgaming for base script and Lambda Fox for the models. This mod changes the damage values to be more realistic and challenging. Every gun in the game is now extremely reliable. Enemies that carry firearms now do the same amount of damage you do. (Which is a lot) For example: Combine shotgunners now deal and extreme amount of damage and can easily obliterate you if you do not pay them any mind. Grenades and SMG grenades now have a larger radius and is pretty much guaranteed death if you do not take cover. Soldiers wielding SMGs and AR2s can easily wear your health down and can kill you if overwhelmed. Headcrabs do more damage and can wear you down. Antlions do more damage and if swarmed, can slash you down. Zombies can take half your health down now but still move fairly slow. But you can eliminate all of these enemies fairly easily if played smart. This mod will be extremely challenging but can be beaten. It definitely isn't for everyone.

RSS Reviews

GeorgGrech says

Agree (1) Disagree

While I appreciate realistic damage values, as they give a skill-based alternative to bullet sponges, I feel that this doesn't work too well with Half-Life.

Half-Life, 2 especially, has a lot of moments where you are left in the open and pitted against multiple enemies, with little to no cover. While this works for vanilla HL2 due to the low damage of weapons, this mod can make these encounters feel overwhelming, and in chapters like Water Hazard especially this feels downright unfair, as you have a multitude of enemies shooting at you and you can't shoot back.

Half-Life 2's supply system also doesn't work well with this, as while the supply boxes and health/energy stations are frequent enough for HL2, this mod doesn't give you enough health and suit power after battles, as HL2 doesn't expect you to haven taken that much damage at once.

Not all is bad however, and it does offer a challenging yet fair experience when the level design allows it, but this isn't always the case. So while this could work for a specifically designed HL2 mod or a further update that fixes levels and balancing, base HL2 isn't too enjoyable with this.


Uroushi. says