Point of View (POV) is a new single player Half-Life MOD where you will play as a Alien Slave named Xonxt. You will have new weapons to use, be able to explore new and old areas of Back Mesa and of Xen in a MOD with a story that will allow you to (re)visit areas of Half-Life, Opposing Forces and Azure Sheep but, this time, with a different point of view. Humans will try to kill you, xen forces will ignore or attack you and you will have to survive to all this. Friends will now be your enemies and enemies your friends now that you play as a Alien Slave...

GoreTech5 says

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9/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

Really a good mod. In fact, it should be included in the actual half life lore, i just got a creative sequel of the ending which is :

In the ending, the alien slave got picked up by barniel and barney on which they put him to safety. Afterward, They learned him english and to adapt to earth, but the alien still had to hide from the other humans to not cause trouble for the 3 of them. It was going fine, until the combine started the 7 hours war. Barniel got shot by a combine soldier and barney was missing during the fight. The alien slave escaped the battle and went to hide somewhere where nobody can find him. Later on, rebels scouts found him in the forest and asked him if he wanted to join the resistance. He grantly accepted and decide to stay with them for a while. With his much more developped intelligence and speed, he became a scientist in white forest and changed his name to uriah.

Really creative, dont you agree?