Point of View (POV) is a new single player Half-Life MOD where you will play as a Alien Slave named Xonxt. You will have new weapons to use, be able to explore new and old areas of Back Mesa and of Xen in a MOD with a story that will allow you to (re)visit areas of Half-Life, Opposing Forces and Azure Sheep but, this time, with a different point of view. Humans will try to kill you, xen forces will ignore or attack you and you will have to survive to all this. Friends will now be your enemies and enemies your friends now that you play as a Alien Slave...

Nefiji says

7/10 - Agree (2) Disagree

The first part of the mod in the Xen universe were a masterpiece regarding the staged war between Xen creatures and humans that entered it to do research. The middle part was still cool I guess but the farther you progress in this mod, the less frequent the really interesting parts of playing an Alien creature are being provided.

Fighting alongside other Xen creatures i.e., maybe having a little Vortigaunt squad to follow you or set some creatures in the laboratory free to support you on your quest. Maybe make Xen weaponry like these frog grenades more frequent or at least more efficient if that rare.

While the maps and theme of the game were still interesting in the late-game, it just wasn't as interesting to me to just be a Vortigaunt. It's just like with many HL2 Combine mods. Just playing a Combine and fighting Zombies/Antlions or Rebels isn't really interesting. For the love of god, give me a lot of different Combine toys to play around with. Let me fight alongside other Combine and go into a war against the Rebels. Let me place turrest and mines, drive APC's, have helicopter and Strider support, activate Combine energy barriers, etc. etc. - you name it.

That's my main criticism with this mod. Imo the Xen/Vortigaunt theme should've been established more defined. And (SPOILER) the last part of the game where even your Xen allies fight you should've been a f*cking lot shorter than it is. Everyone trying to kill me is the least interesting video game theme I can imagine.

But to be fair:
Xen part = 9/10
Certain short parts of earth = 8/10
The remaining mod = 7/10