Point of View (POV) is a new single player Half-Life MOD where you will play as a Alien Slave named Xonxt. You will have new weapons to use, be able to explore new and old areas of Back Mesa and of Xen in a MOD with a story that will allow you to (re)visit areas of Half-Life, Opposing Forces and Azure Sheep but, this time, with a different point of view. Humans will try to kill you, xen forces will ignore or attack you and you will have to survive to all this. Friends will now be your enemies and enemies your friends now that you play as a Alien Slave...

TheUnbeholden says

10/10 - Agree (6) Disagree (1)

You have a few key advantages (thanks to Nihilanth) such as greater strength to move around faster, most notably the electric beam can heal you whenever you attack someone… this was implemented to cover the disadvantage of not being able to use human healing devices.
You can also pick up key cards and use buttons & other simple things.

While this new way of fighting puts a fair bit of its use on your lightning attack as you can’t heal yourself with the other weapons. You can still have a bit of fun with them if your carefully.

The mod also tells story a different way, instead of throwing text on the screen like some mods do, here whenever you find something of interest or merely progress, a icon will flash on the screen, by pressing a button you can read what your character is thinking.
Its a very friendly and unobtrusive idea & it fits HL very well because it allows people to skip reading it if they like and it tells alot of story that no mod has yet come close to.

This is possibly the most revolutionary of all the hl mods and stands apart from them in a few key ways.

+The best story of any mod for HL due to a intuitive ‘thoughts diary’ system.
+A wide variety of new enemies as well as a new boss
+5 weapons to choose from, 3 of which are new.
+Consistently good level design
+Diffficulty wavers on medium to tough depending on how well you adapt to this kind of fighting.
+Some secret ‘thought diaries’

-You can’t use human weapons but it would not fit the mod if you could.. but I suppose some people may not like the new way of fighting.
-Due to batteries, healthkits, ammo being useless theres no reason to break crates.
-Some places like the tunnels, although unique, is very repetitive, thankfully it doesn’t last long and plays a part in the story.
-When you first enter the ‘secret base’ on Xen, it appears very repetitive, but it gets alot better after the first few areas.

+-Cliff hanger ending