The sequel to Phantasm Beyond for doom 3 The Tallman isn't done with you yet Booooyyyy!

RSS Reviews

VGames says

Agree (1) Disagree

Awesome work. Great presentation. Pro modding right here. The Phantasm feel is strong in this masterpiece.


Resserection says

Agree Disagree

Haven't even played it yet but I already know it's gonna be amazing.


ValCacer says

Agree Disagree

A very interestring mod, it brings a nerw experience in idtech4


uac2145 says

Agree Disagree

It's a great mod, but personally I like classic DOOM 3 shoting mechanics "sprint and fire" more than something from perfected doom 3 or absolute hd doom 3 when aiming on iron sights is needed and sprinting without shhoting. And sometimes my fps went down to 32-31 although it could be my desire to put very high quality. Everything else is great, especially atmosphere from the film.