Outpost 16 is a single-player level for HL2:EP2 that has a cinematic, moody tone with custom voice acting, models, scripted sequences and music.

FlippedOutKyrii says

7/10 - Agree Disagree

An explosive mod with plenty to offer in such a short timespan!

However, I didn't like Alyx's voice acting. The actor was marvelous it's just that her writing didn't fit Alyx at all. Alyx is determined and rational, the Alyx in this mod is crude, brash and almost dimwitted.

The action is very short as well, and not to mention it is VERY easy to die in the introduction sequence if your not fast enough of a shooter.

However, the set-piece is amazing and the cinematic physics are awesome!

Give this a try, but don't expect gold at every turn :(