NO ESCAPE IS READY FOR DOWNLOAD! Six months ago we promised you a mod that will get released. As you can see, We kept our promise! Check mod description for download links and mirrors, the official download link wil be available when its approved by the moddb staff.

TheUnbeholden says

7/10 - Agree Disagree

This is the most bizarre mod I've played, in terms of setting, but damn does it give us a pretty decent adventure while doing so. Your character doesn't care who is on who's side. The combine tortured him and the human resistance sided with the combine in the threat of zombie apocalypse, humans turning a blind eye to the harshness of the combine on those unsuited to be citizens. Your character after escaping jail, basically is still wearing his prison clothes, and is (after a brief hilarious pause in your first encounter where a citizen looks at you wide eyed before shooting at you) you outright murder anyone without care whether they can be reasoned with, and not have the effort to get out of those prisoner clothes. Its like our character is accepting his fate as the outsider and doesn't care about anyone anymore, taking revenge. Its a nice concept though as that can lead to alot of conflict, the mod doesn't do much with it though and its basically a slightly above average gun fair for about 20-25 minutes depending on how good you are. It was nice seeing proper looking zombies (no more white shirts) and creepier sounds, as well as a new arsenal of weapons. This is a mod I would love to see a sequel to. Flesh everything out... and hopefully more carnage :)