NEOTOKYO° is a first person shooter that aims to provide a visceral & realistic combat experience in a rich futuristic setting. NEOTOKYO° takes place in and around a fictionalized Tokyo approximately 30 years in the future. Mankind has begun to fuse with technology. Government and corporate corruption have transformed Tokyo into a deadly dystopian nightmare. After a near-successful military coup by ranking members of Jinrai, the National Security Force (NSF) is formed - answering directly to the Prime Minister, it's mission is to investigate and eliminate all threats to Japan, both abroad and at home. The initial core of the NSF is made from an exodus from within the intelligence branch of the military. With this betrayal begins the war in the shadows between the NSF and Jinrai.

ghostings says

8/10 - Agree (7) Disagree (2)

Truly a work of art. The models are crisp and loyal to their theme's origin, the weapons are deadly and fun, and the team battles are just mind blowing. The heavy reliance on team work brings a refreshing twist from the endless singleplayer own-u-all gameplay that has been plaguing HL2 multiplayer mods. The major downsides are the small community and the abandonment the mod faced from its own devs. Not a lot of servers to choose from and if you have a recurring problem with this game, it's not going to get fixed. Overall it's a must play, I recommend everyone to download this game(along with the patch) and give it some love.