'Le Royaume des Ombres' is a full modification mod for Diablo 2 LoD. Mains features are : A whole new world to explore - New skills for all classes - Tons of news items to collect - Lot of Horadric formulaes - Advanced crafting system - New stats and skills systems - Avaible in French and English - And more...

Bludger1 says

10/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

This is an absolutely astonishing mod for Diablo 2. I have been following this for a good while now, but have never actually gotten around to installing it until very recently.

I must say, the work that has gone into this is very impressive. We have art assets pulled from the likes of Path of Exile and Diablo 3. I feel there is nothing wrong with this at all and by god it helps with the aesthetics. We also have a lot of new orbs and gems and so on. I find myself quite lost with all the new additions - In a good way.

The menus have been revamped and made much neater too. Pretty much every screen is redone.

The classes are changed up and we have completely re-imagined skill trees that even have tier bonuses (upgrades). Mobs have been strengthened and changed around, whilst loot has been completely altered. This results in a harder more punishing combat, but with a much greater feeling of reward (seriously, 15 minutes in at level 5 and I am already facing elite mobs that can 2-3 shot me if I don't pay attention... But then they always drop quality items).

The mod author has also created new acts with a new story. I haven't progressed overly far so I cannot quite comment on that yet. I have noticed a couple of typos, but it is really easy to ignore them.

All up, at the end of the day when it comes to Diablo 2 mods MedianXL is generally the go-to. We now have a MAJOR contender to that role now (at least in my eyes). Le Royaume des Ombres may lack the balancing and the shining polish of MedianXL, but it more than makes up for it in fun and spirit!

Thankfully too, there is very little reason to not look at this even if you are adamant on keeping MedianXL. This mod uses the D2SE tool which separates your mods and allows you to launch whichever ones you like without breaking the others. If you install MedianXL in the same way then you can have both.

This already has pluggy built-in so the quality-of-life has been greatly improved. With MedianXL you need to install thi