LAST ZOMBIE is Single Player Action Adventure Game taking place in the Half-Life 2 Universe. It tells the tragic tale of a man named Paul, who is haunted by the past and emotions he has forgotten about since the Combine took over. Life outside City 17 is dangerous, but with the chemically altered water and the Suppression Field, and the bullying of the Civil Protection force life is soon without meaning. Can Paul find what was lost to him? Can he find a way to be a human again?

esperphotons says

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5/10 - Agree (4) Disagree

Pretty short. Only in German. Not much happens in what they have released. You pretty much just walk around and ask civilians if they speak German. Then some guy with a guitar cuts your legs off and you crawl over to a lady that take off your headcrab...

Map looks good, enough.
Third person works great.
Controls are simple and smooth. Animations are good as well.
Good camera work.

One voice actor from what I can hear.
Short so far.
Black and White makes it difficult to see.