You wake up in a room. "Where am I?", you ask quietly. You find a note lying on a desk. You read it. You are kidnapped.

Keepsaiyanmyname says

8/10 - Agree Disagree

Dear Geez21,

I wrote down my thoughts while playing and they are the following:

- elaborately-designed
- the character's constant contact with the player: awesome
- first "visit" of the Grunt: A+
- distribution of oil: A+ (only the quantity that is sufficient)
- last jumpscare: sh*t poop man
- tools are hidden with care

I really enjoyed playing your CS. I would have given it a 9 (because the casual Amnesia-stuff like these experiments-stories are a little bit overused these days), but I am a newcomer in terms of the date of my registration, so I could not do it and the experience is so fresh I couldn't wait until I am allowed to give you such a high score.

Nevertheless, it was well-made CS and I would recommend it to everyone, even to those poopy-pants who are afraid of those darn monsters.