Kelsey is a brand-new, 100% original NPC for Baldur's Gate 2. Kelsey adds dozens of inter-party banters with all your favorite characters: Imoen, Jan, Minsc, Viconia, and more, as well as hundreds of new lines of quest interjections and advice dialogue. Kelsey comes with his own new magic items, both powerful and unusual, and the mod includes hundreds of lines of new voiced dialogue from Kelsey and his new friends and adversaries. Players searching for an alternative to Anomen for their female PCs can point them to Kelsey, who will eagerly embrace them. Alternatively, Kelsey will court and be courted by Imoen during Throne of Bhaal. Even without a romance, Kelsey adds substantial depth and significant new content to the game as he interacts with his fellow party members and the world around him, from Guildmistress Busya and Renal Bloodscalp to Irenicus himself. Kelsey brings everything you would expect from a Bioware NPC, along with new twists the creative team and fans have come...

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TheDebonairNomad says


AndyHalfLife2 says