Here is the first version of my track pack for Flatout 2. It includes only 6 tracks but I'll make some more tracks for next releases. Installation: 1. Unzip and put J89_trackpack_1_1.bfs into your Flatout2 game folder. 2. Open "patch" and write J89_trackpack_1_1.bfs under patch1.bfs. If you don't have "patch" open "filesystem" and write J89_trackpack_1_1.bfs under fo2c.bfs. (Important) about the tracks: - If you reset your car while on the highway on the Suicide Highway track, you can get under the highway. There's no way to get back. - If you fall off a bridge on Obstacle course 1, follow the yellow line and you get back to the track. - On Obstacle course 1 you need a 4WD car for getting onto the bridges. I usually use Blaster XL. - On Obstacle course 1 there are some red dots and orange tyres marking the splitpoints. - Suicide Gorge track's splitpoints are placed between green barrels. - Thanks to Purple44 for the...

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