Infected Sector tell you story about Mike Shapiro from black ops. We all know about the black ops of the opposing force but we do not know who they are

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Hello again

Hello again


Hello again. On this day we would like to inform you some important news

Classic Problems 3

Classic Problems 3


late fall and early winter, will soon begin the New Year holidays and have already started voting on mod db, but at the same time begins winter session...

All postions open

All postions open

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September has arrived, and so many have to learn and I am no exception, alas the project I have less and less of course I know that we have written many...

classic problems

classic problems

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We need people! That was three months from the date of announcement of the project here, during which time there was quite a few events: someone left...

work is started

work is started

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Greetings to all who came to the page of the mod telling of a hero named Michael Shapiro.