A mod that changes the scale and the scope of battles. The goal is to make the Battle for Middle Earth experience more engrossing and more personal.

RSS Reviews

trendyshop123 says

Agree Disagree

ost of the changes are great and just wanna give some of my advices,

1-Command post is unnecesseraly high, it could be 1000 for evil and 600 for good side.

2-If its possible, ability to mount unmount for WİTCH KİNG would be awesome.

3-Starting cost is so much, i wish it could be selected by player in game menu, it kills 1k player base, i think 1k was good and usual players got used it

4-Warg and troll numbers also so much, what was the reason for that, it kills strategy and gameplay a lot, previus numbers were okay.

5-Aragorn attacking animation speed is so fast its not realistic and op with anduril it should slow down

6- When i give order heroes to attack, they stop at some point. you need to always give order to attack.(noticable on WK and fellbeasts) I assume its a bug.

thats all for now i hope you fixed these issues.
i have been playing bfme series for 10 years and i dont like most of the mods but this one has a potential.

(You did saruman great and i really appreciate you)


Rohirim91 says

Agree Disagree

Nice work!


darkyuri says


Drogoth-fan says


Nik768 says


BilboShocked says


RiderOfRohan says