You awake to find yourself looking down at a pool of your own blood, a small crusher on the side along with a rusty dagger and a pair of tongs. Though looking down at your own body you find no damage to your body, so where did all the blood come from? You shake your head and simply think "It must be someone Else's" as you stand, looking towards the door as you plan to leave.

zakkura says

8/10 - Agree Disagree

I really enjoyed this custom story mainly because of the pacing and the interesting maze like rooms you encounter.

If I was to give you any advice it would be to fix a few texture problems because as I was walking down one of the corridors I could see the back of a painting that was in the next room.

But apart from a few texture problems and the fact I found some areas to be incredibly dark (I had to wait for a very long time for my vision to regain a little) I had a good few frights in this one.