Just make your way through the collapsing Lambda Complex and try to survive in this catastrophe.

monster_urby says

8/10 - Agree (4) Disagree

Incredible. Solid mapping throughout and it really has the classic Half-Life feel. Textures and lighting are near flawless.

Gameplay is alright. Pretty slow to start with the puzzle elements but the environment is so eerie that it had a real sense of survival horror, no doubt inspired by Amnesia / Penumbra as stated in the readme file.

Then it kicks off big time following the garg section into all out action. The black ops hit way too hard though and I was getting frustrated at first. Felt good when I finally got past them though so I can't complain too much. From there on it plays like a classic Half-Life mod, running and gunning with the puzzle solving taking a back seat.

Overall, I'm very impressed. :D