A mod aiming to re-imagine the original levels of Doom in the style of Half-Life and it's expansions, with the same level of detail as Valve's original game.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 16)

Id5236 says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Doom's first few levels are very nicely "Half-Life-ified" here! I really liked the little touches like the toxic pools in E1M1 being recreated using electrified water or the secret room in E1M2 being accessible through a vent instead of a secret door. The maps feel like they belong in the Half-Life universe which is impressive considering Doom's graphics make it hard to tell what you're supposed to be looking at.


theSpecimen says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Very good recreation, albeit with some artistic liberties... I like them though


Juks says

Early access review Agree Disagree



Guywithanexistance says

Early access review Agree Disagree

amazing! just amazing how you got the real voice actor for kliener to voice act in this game!


Meraqel says

Early access review may contain spoilers Agree Disagree



HatsuneMiku__ says

Early access review may contain spoilers Agree Disagree

sadly mod wasn't updating since demo release :(


Blockyshoe says

Early access review Agree Disagree



MercedesSL says

Early access review Agree Disagree

An amazing demo, really high quality in everything especially the voice acting.


EleventyFour says

Early access review Agree Disagree

To put it simply; A reapplication of the DOOM Level design structure, with the body and soul of Half-Life.

This mod far surpasses the novelty of seeing an iconic level remade in a different engine. (See Mario 1-1). The care and sheer dedication to taking this concept as far as possible is plain to see from the very start.

In iconic Half-Life fashion; things go wrong, hell breaks loose, and this mod get's it over right quick. Not groundbreaking, but a happy medium to give context without dragging it out.

Not long after you're free to explore, and as I walked, the realization came over me that the peaceful laboratory I had just seen ravaged was the spitting image of E1M1, and that I had only been oblivious to this for how Mr_Floyd reimagines and recontextualizes the level to serve the new setting. An overhead view from noclip reveals just how faithful the level structure is despite this. The courtyard? Now it's a parking lot with security gates. The green slime room? Repurposed as the Lab Entrance and the new spawnpoint when you 1st load in.

The feeling I describe is one that would return throughout the demo. It's this middleground, this harmony between both games that seems to emphasize the things I love about them both simultaneously. Everything that's different is a welcome change, and everything I recognize makes me smile.

I'll end the gushing here, but this mod made me feel something special. I guess this is just a match made in heaven for me, and I couldn't be more glad it was in the hands of Mr_Floyd.


thelochnessbombster says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Awesome mod.