You, James Bernier - a dangerous offender, authorities caught and landed in jail. He was sentenced to death. He decided to try to escape, he was able to pull out a knife from a soldier and put it in the camera's field of view. But then came fate. The intercom turns on and says, "Come. You can not use a knife, the soldiers are armed." James obediently moves out of the camera view and goes for a soldier. He understands that this is the end .... - By [1B]GadenbIsh

FlippedOutKyrii says

5/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

I remember playing this a long time ago, and it certainly hasn't aged very well.

The level design was simple, yet the pacing and enemy placement was hideous. Most of the time your facing over a dozen grunts who rip you to shreds as soon as you step into a room, making the mod unbearably difficult even on easy settings.

The mod has some potential but besides the interesting perspective of a black ops soldier, there isn't much for me to recommend upon finishing it.

It's meh, and if you can manage to beat the mod on hard, you deserve some sort of medal D: