It is late spring of 1802, and this year has thus far been a most interesting one. Your talents and proactive efforts granted you enrollment in a high quality, yet small academy of alchemic studies, nestled deep in Prussia near Brennenburg. The academy is a small one, taking on no more than 8 pupils, run by a single teacher, Alexandander, the latest in a long line of barons of Brennenburg. Already, you have learned more than you could have possibly hoped, and the future is looking very bright. Lately however, your roommate, Gustav, has been taking lessons with the baron in secret, a mystery which seems to be taking its toll on your roommate's already-questionable stability. Rumors pass among the other students, but are little more than speculation and entertainment. That is, until one night when you are awoken by a most horrible noise. Still in a haze from your dreams, you wander the halls to search for answers, or possibly flee for your life.

TheUnbeholden says

6/10 - Agree Disagree

The story was alright! Though I suspect its because it takes a different take on Alexanders story. I didn't think much of the scares or level design though, as I made my way through this CS there is only 2 parts that really stand out. Its the spiked throne and gigantic bodies. The mod is of a decent length but it doesn't offer much in terms of scares, or any other way, though the prison area was of a realistic, more maze like which I approve of.