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GTW is a massive, full conversion mod for WC3. GTW will seek to totally revamp WC3 gameplay with strong design and modernized systems. GTW will have physics, dynamic accuracy, crawling, shield bonuses, and much more in terms of combat systems. GTW will also have a brand new resource system and neutral system, as well as some other new systems, all of which compliment the strong design. GTW will feature 8 all new factions, each of which will have its own style, and all will feel very different. Some will focus on guerilla combat, while others will focus on traditional combat, and while still others will focus on other forms of combat. GTW will also feature three, full campaigns, singleplayer and multiplayer melee, as well as singleplayer and multiplayer custom. WC3 has survived as long as it has because of custom maps, and GTW will not forget this. GTW will actually come with numerous GTW versions of popular Bnet maps. GTW version? These maps will utilize GTW units and systems. Thus, imagine...

Forum Thread
Ideas (Games : Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos : Mods : Great Troll War : Forum : General Discussion : Ideas) Locked
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Jul 23 2006 Anchor

First of all I would like to say that this mod looks awesome. I really like the arrow system, it allows everything to be much more realistic wherein the archers' ability to fire fast and do a lot of damage is balance by their inaccuracy. Perhaps you could incorporate some way to take into account the trajectory of the arrows to determine its accuracy, if they where fired level or at a steep angle? Secondly, I have some ideas that I would like to present in the hope that you will find them interesting or useful.

The ideas that I want to present a case for are a morale systems, a veterancy system, and a formation system. In the following paragraph I describe how I think these systems would work and in doing so show why they would be a good addition to your mod.

I was thinking that a morale system would be a strong addition to the mod. This would mean that each unit has morale based on the situation around them at, and their current health/mana. If they are close to full health/being healed and near lots of allied units and/or a hero its morale would be high. If it was hurt and surrounded by enemy units its morale would be low, so low that perhaps it would run. This would make the back stab feature that you are adding more effective because an attack from the back could cause units to run and if a units morale is broken and they turn and run this opens them up to backstabbing. The morale effect could also make units less combat effective and it would be "contagious", as in it would spread to other nearby units. This would also make a veterancy system more effective because newly recruited units would be much more likely to break and run than veteran units. A morale system would also make a formation system more realistic. The formation system, in my opinion, wouldn't give the units any other bonus but the fact that they have increased morale and less chance for being back-stabbed. It would be cool if the formations could be customized, but its more important for the units to fight intelligently in formation, as in to stay together while marching, to attack as one, perhaps even the ability to fight while retreating. It might work if units did this even if they where not selected together but only found themselves headed in the same direction. Veteran units would get a better advantage from and fight better in formation then green units.

Anyway, I hope that my ideas aren't unwelcome and that they help you guys make a good possible great mod a tiny bit better.

Edit: It seems that the morale system and the formation system are being created by the other systems you described in the other forums... so they might not be necessary to add to get the effect I wanted. Also the more I read about the mod the better it sounds, so keep up the good work!

Edit2: I also was thinking about the new archer system and if you allowed different trajectories then would you allow archers to fire at a high trajectory then lower ones so that the arrows all arrived at the target at the same time? That would be cool, but probably more work then it would be worth. I was also thinking that you could supplies that have to get to your base. This would make guerrilla tactics more feasible as in a small group could cut off the supply chain and could make naval vessels more important, if the supplies come in over sea. The supplies would not be something the player would have to worry about except for the fact that he would want to protect them. There could be three types of supplies: income, rations, and weapons. Having a players income arrive in the map in a vulnerably way may not be such a good idea as it might make the game to one sided. Rations and weapons as being the supplies makes more sense. Lack of rations would decrease the morale of the troops and lack of weapons would decrease the fighting capacitity of the ranged units first and then later the melee units. This is explained because lack of food demoralizes troops and lack of standard armaments hurts the ranged units ability to function. This would also allow you to have small towns and villages in a map that they player would want to hold, because they would provide supplies to the player and deny them to their enemies, extra supplies would then need to have a small benefit. I think this system would compliment the resource system you have now.

Edited by (in order): ForShadow, ForShadow

Jul 24 2006 Anchor

Posted on as well, and that's where the reply it.

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