Gorrog's Nonsense is a mod taking place in an old lab complex deep in the forest, located very close to a hydroelectric power plant. Today they're preparing for a test...

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Mod's future.


What's happening?

Currently, the development of the mod is not really possible due to how many issues we ran in. Lack of coordination between team members, my subpar leadership over the project, lack of motivation for some to work on the mod, the Half-Life's 25th anniversary update that make further updates for the mod kinda pointless for the time being. While no work is being done, I'm rewriting the story to make it less of a mess I made it to be. We don't even have maps to show at the moment, only their early concepts.


Development is being suspended until further notice.

While that's in place I'll be reworking the page of the mod to make it more clear about what's this mod is all about and try to reorganize the team or recruit people who don't want to work on it anymore. Everything that happened is my fault because I'm a bad leader.

What will happen next?

An improvement over our current situation, hopefully. The mod is going to be released one way or another. When exactly is it going to get released? Well, that's a question I don't have an answer to. A rewrite will be released eventually to work with the new half-life build, but that's going to happen only when sdk finally releases, I'll try to keep you all in touch about what's happening but until then, thanks for your even slightest interest in this mod.

The visor


Presenting to you: The Visor ™

This marvelous device integrated in your helmet provides you: ability to see in dark, ability to see small to medium sized objects and creatures through objects.

As shown in this demonstration it works perfectly fine!

Do not listen to this guy we still are testing it out and it will be shipped sometime (i hope) this year.1

If charge of The Visor ™ drops below 20% it starts to flicker2

If charge of The Visor ™ depletes, it can be turned on only after it recharges to 50%.

For some reason last gif wont upload.

"Gorrog please for the last time I'm asking you to do your job and finish presentation of the product."

some strange stuff that was happening when our coder was working with hud a while back.

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haha ultrakill reference go brrrr20210916164604 1 1