Postal 3D Is a recreation of the first postal game on the DOOM engine, it mainly focus on a horror ambience mixed with a little tiny sense of comedy. the history takes place In paradise, arizona. rampage your way thought 17 levels of morally fun.

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[NEW UPDATE] Grenade guy, work In progress

News 4 comments

Hello everyone, a new update after complete silence. well today we're updating you guys with a newly added enemy, the grenade guy!

Footage of him (still in WIP):


Behind The Scenes:

image 9

image 1

image 7

image 3

Thank you for reading this silly little news!

- The BDA team

It lives...... (An update for the Postal 3D project.)

News 3 comments

Hello people, sorry for not updating you about the project since we been working to make guns, ideas, sprites, coding, ETC. anyways that's really it, stay tuned for any update or info of the project.

Some of the sprites and stuff:

Notim Portant


Molotov Dude


Postal 3D Dev Diary #1 - First Look

News 6 comments

Today we're presenting our first dev diary.... OF POSTAL 3D! In this video you will see new things that been added to this mod, for example more weapons and the still kinda unfinished HOME level...

Doble Barreled Shotgun.

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Lever Rifle.

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The unmistakable image of a m16.

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Machine Gun.

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Find the Postal 3D Dev Diary here: