Totally crazy modification made by russian G-Man fans or... err... haters! XD Featuring: G-Mans (g-men?) are EVERYWHERE! They're invading our dear planet and trying to kill you... And now... YOU CAN KILL THEM! Yeah! :) But don't be surprised when you see their appearance... He-he... >: ) Flying G-Mans, cyborg G-Mans, monster G-Mans, alien G-Mans... Should be compatible with any HL version. Have fun!!

TeHaVoK says

10/10 - Agree (3) Disagree (1)

This mod is for both gman lovers and haters. You can either kill the infected gmen (the aliens in the normal game) and save the friendly gmen or you can go batshit crazy and kill them all. Most likely some you can't kill with out ******* up the game. Great funny mod!

TeHaVoK off.