This is for those that want the helmet markings on U.S troops during ww2

RSS Reviews

AngryConorr says

Agree Disagree

i have seen many mods about skin of usmc in ww2, but most of them lack of dedicate except this one.


Den4ik1703229 says

Agree Disagree

Hi!I need your do I download the your modification which adds insignia for the American helmets?I really need this mod to create a game series on the engine behind enemy lines 2.Thank you for your attention


fragAZaz09uaalt says

Agree Disagree

This mod is great, Although I still haven't figured out how to put helmets into it, the skins are vast and plentiful. And the score that I rate is 10/10 because so much effort and research was put into this. I hope that people see this mod and look at it in awe and wonder as it is very good.

{Now In Russian}

Этот мод является большим, хотя я до сих пор не выяснили, как положить в него шлемы, шкуры огромны и многочисленны. И счет, который я оцениваю 10/10 ставится, потому что так много усилий и исследований был поставлен в этом. Я надеюсь, что люди видят этот мод и посмотреть на него в страхе и интересно, как это очень хорошо.


kamien123 says


CenturionMariusTitus says


Morpheus__ says


Jimopl says


Foxboro says