War, war, never changes... Great news about Masters army defeated and mutants base destruction reach far north. People rise up in arms to fight and finally burn out the evil and all freaks from their land. Well, that was almost 30 years ago and nowadays nobody remembers slaughter of those warriors. Without helpfrom Brotherhood they were mostly killed or imprisoned by mutant armies. Life goes on... Now new evil appears. Endangered ghouls decided to build up their own army that leaded by unknown leader would set a new order, new world where humans will become ghoul's slaves. People do not remain passive. Besides the Brotherhood of Steel new organization arise: Soldiers of Hope.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 19)

doom52014 says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree



Orzie says

Agree Disagree

A nice try. Yet, FOT engine is barely able to recreate the classic FO1-2 features and atmosphere. I was also really annoyed by the amount of random encounters, especially if we take into account that we are able virtually to avoid every such enc.

The only big minus of this mod is the lack of installation instructions. It seems that I have installed it wrong as my Vault disappeared, while BRC and BRC Interior locations became visible on the location roster being inaccessible after the self-destruct of the BRC.

However, if we take into account that this mod was created more than 10 years ago, it was a really major breakthrough. Thanks a lot for the brilliant opportunity to visit the world of classic FO1-2 once more.

Amazing game. Reminded me of Fallout 1&2.

great game


RobertHouse says


kathryn90 says


hgshgs says


DEAD_FiSH says


BDBmodR says


sev...... says