Wolfenstein: The Frontline (Formerly FalckonET) is a realism and fun based modification for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Our goal is to please players who think that W:ET is a fun but somewhat unrealistic game, and who wish to see some features in this direction. Our special features include iron sights, drivable tanks, new sounds, new guns and more realistic recoil, spread and damage for the weapons. Our team currently consists of: Jaquboss, the main coder, modeled and designed parts of the mod; FalcK, responsible for sounds, 2d and design; PytoX, who is currently mapping; Kamikazee, spending his time with mapping, modeling and currently debugging the code; Gerbalblaste, providing sounds; Unique1, our second coder; Colt .45, modeler which seems to be on a long holiday of some kind; Laffer1, Mac dev and the admin of the web server; and last: Stealthy, our webmaster. This way, we would allso like to thank all other people and ex-members that helped us making this mod! Kudos go to Griffin...

RSS Reviews

ETplayer says


Kamikazee says


PytoX says


FalcK says