A high quality mod aimed to improve the base game of Soulstorm while also providing a new experience in how the game plays.

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Chaos In Development (Games : Dawn of War : Mods : Redux Mod : Forum : Changelog : Chaos In Development) Locked
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Feb 16 2020 Anchor

IG and Marines are for the most part balanced but more work could be had. Guardsmen are actually at an advantage in early games since they're so cheap to reinforce and grenade launchers can easily disrupt enemy troops long enough to kill them. I'll be adjusting unit costs a bit to help situate this or make Marine health higher to justify their price. AoE weapons also needed a nerf. Basilisks in early builds could delete entire squads if their projectile was accurate enough to touch every unit. Sentinels are the earliest wielders of Lascannons for IG so they now start off with Multilasers to validate building them cheaply with Lascannon upgrades having a large expense added to them later. However, since Lascannons can be spammed, Sentinel's now take up 3 vehicle cap and only 6 squads can be fielded.

I wanted to make sure I had a high-armour faction and low-armour faction in the game to make sure things meshed well with the new weapon system but I also wanted Chaos to be in the mod so players had a baddie to fight too. The good thing about Chaos is that they pretty much work under the same blueprint as Space Marines so I don't have to go far to determine how they'll be balanced. One thing that's being drastically changed is the role of Horror Squads. 8th edition shows Horror's Coruscating Flames having the same capabilities as a lasgun. However, to compensate, they deal high damage, lose no accuracy when being fired on the move and will most likely be cheap to build. Aside from this, everything else should translate the same way like Space Marines. Once Chaos are done, I'll look into writing the IG's strings and tooltips to match the new information on the armour and toughness and a release will be made! \o/

Feb 16 2020 Anchor

With all the changes of the AP will the bolter rifle fire fullauto?

Feb 16 2020 Anchor
The-Turkish-Man wrote:

With all the changes of the AP will the bolter rifle fire fullauto?

Bolters will be single shot like in DoW2 but that can't be changed until models are updated.

Feb 17 2020 Anchor

So this new release will only have 3 races (Space Marines, Chaos and Imperial Guard) with new armor system while other races will come later?

Feb 17 2020 Anchor
ChubbyBob wrote:

So this new release will only have 3 races (Space Marines, Chaos and Imperial Guard) with new armor system while other races will come later?

That's right.

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