Full Mod Info The E-45 virus has been discovered in the aftermath of the 3rd Tiberium War. Panic and fear washes across the planet. All races fear this new strain of virus, GDI, NOD and even the Scrinn. GDI are still recuperating form the war. NOD factions remain but Kane has not been seen since the Scrinn were defeated, leaving nod as small bands of militia outlaws fighting for what they think is right. Some GDI scientists speculate Scrinn rift technology is somehow responsible for the emergence of the E-45 virus. The virus re-animates dead and dying soldiers from the battlefield, this has now been speculated by theorists that the Scrinn, in a desperate attempt to survive tried opening a 2nd Alternate Dimensional Rift, or Wormhole rather. Doing so enabled these unknown Extra Dimensional Beings to infect the dying and dead soldiers and have a symbiotic relationship with the body. The closest definitions we currently have to these beings are a virus. The virus flows through the body to...

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This is our first real news update, and we decided to show us our progress. We have several units, already drawn up and colored. These images were drawn...

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